
Friday, April 22, 2016

Blushing Groom

Requested by: NeoRock

The wedding day arrived for Walter and Samantha. All the planning was paying off in a perfect day for a marriage. The weather cooperated with a mild, sunny day. The wedding party went to the dressing room to get ready for the service when it was discovered the groomsmen’s clothes was stolen and replaced with bridesmaid’s dresses and a wedding dress for the groom.

Walter broke all the rules by rushing in on Samantha as she dressed. He told Samantha what happened. Samantha smiled and said she was okay with the guys dressed as women. It turned her on. So Walter went back to the guy’s dressing room and told everyone they would be women for a day.

The wedding was beautiful. Both brides were radiant and all the bridesmaids were glamorous. Later that night after the Grand March Walter discovered he fit his wedding gown a little too well. As the party wound down, Walter and Samantha went to the hotel room where Walter’s fears were confirmed. As Samantha unzipped his gown a voluptuous woman was revealed. Samantha reassured Walter it was all okay. Samantha was the one who switched all the tuxes with dresses from TG Incorporated. The entire groom’s party ended up real women just as Samantha wanted. It was her perfect wedding dream as she told Walter she preferred women. But she fell in love with Walter. And Walter is now Beatrice.  Love is so beautiful.

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